Have you ever been tasked with setting up a project management system or creating a new website? Then you’re a product manager! This class will walk through the basics of product management, understanding your stakeholders, and where to go for help.
Together we’ll review the foundational principles and responsibilities of good product management. These can include data management, acquiring software licenses, and a bit of software development.
Managing a product for internal staff differs from providing a product for an external audience. Internally facing products are often operational customer relationship management tools like Salesforce or project management tools like Asana. Externally facing tools often focus on communication, such as Mailchimp. From a non-PM perspective, these might all seem like “technology,” but the audiences and features vary greatly. You’ll learn how to identify your stakeholders and manage expectations.
Finally, we’ll discuss looking outside your organization for help using common help resources such as community boards and working groups.
This is one of two new courses focusing on product management. Thanks to a funder, scholarships are available for both courses. Learn about Product management for nonprofit decision-makers and apply for scholarships for both courses.