Meet the author

Rev. Tracy Kronzak

Rev. Tracy Kronzak


Pronouns: they/them

Tracy has over 25 years’ experience working as staff, consultant, business owner, and corporate employee in service to the impact economy. They hold a Master of Public Administration degree from NYU’s Wagner School of Public Service and are a Salesforce MVP alum. They're presently enrolled in the UC Davis Extension Land Use and Environmental Planning Certificate Program. Tracy began their career in nonprofit technology in the days gone by of server racks and on-premise hardware while managing technology adoption and investments for a national racial justice nonprofit. They became a cloud technologist in 2008 when their nonprofit adopted Salesforce, and they have been an administrator, consultant, and evangelist for cloud technology and data for good ever since. Along the way, they’ve worked with both small volunteer-led and large global nonprofits; founded a business; and presented on technology management and strategy to audiences ranging from a select few leaders to thousands at venues including Dreamforce, the NTEN NTC, NetSquared and Good Tech Fest. Tracy is a proud NTENny 2011 recipient, and former NTC and Leading Change Advisory Board member. Tracy lives (and works!) in Livermore, CA where they are a Planning Commissioner and volunteer for the Tri-Valley Conservancy. They helped co-found Livermore Pride, was a founding Board member of Amplify, co-hosted over three dozen episodes of the Cloud TnT podcast, co-hosted 50 episodes of Why IT Matters, and loves to ski, bike, and write (scifi and fantasy). They’re also a spouse, step-parent, and proud owner of a purebred (tongue-in-cheek) Goldendoodle named Lady California (aka “Cali”) and a pair of cats. They are a member of the Temple of Isis in Geyserville, CA, a Goddess church community where they are an ordained Priestess and Hierophant.
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