Meet the author

Jude Koski

Jude Koski

Membership & Community Director

Pronouns: he/him

I have dedicated my career to serving marginalized communities through work in the nonprofit sector since 1996. I have helped youth experiencing homelessness access education, advocated for LGBTQIA+ youth and families, worked to reform foster care policy, and helped preserve urban open space and community gardens. Before joining the NTEN staff, I served on the NTEN Board of Directors and joined the NTEN community in 2011. I hold an MBA in Sustainable Management from Presidio Graduate School in San Francisco. As a transgender professional, I have experienced the NTEN community as particularly welcoming and supportive. As membership and community director, I am deeply committed to ensuring everyone experiences solidarity within this important and unique community. Outside of work, I am a Trap-Neuter/Spay-Return (TNR) practitioner and advocate for feral community cats and serve on the Guiding Coalition for the San Francisco SPCA Community Cats Program. I live in San Francisco with my partner and four rescued kitties. I enjoy being creative through designing and woodworking with repurposed materials, gardening, and exploring urban and natural areas.
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P.O. Box 86308
Portland, OR 97286-0308
+1 503-272-8800

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