Racial equity and tech planning

Your organization’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion must reach beyond the DEI committee or equity officer. A DEI policy and a focus on racial equity have implications that stretch across an organization, including hiring practices, event planning, equipment acquisition, technology roadmap development, and beyond.

This course will address and inform the decision-making practices that demonstrate a commitment — or lack of commitment — to racial equity. You’ll learn how nonprofits have infused diversity, equity, and inclusion rooted in racial equity into all aspects of organizational operation.

You’ll build the skills you need to create opportunities for all staff (most importantly staff of color, LGBQTIA+, and staff with disabilities) to authentically and meaningfully engage with internal DEI conversations, decisions, and strategic planning.

You’ll examine how technology decisions and practices are connected with DEI work. You’ll come away from this course with an understanding of how organizational DEI practices relate to technology in the nonprofit context, as well as your organization’s technology roadmap.

It’s best if you come to this course interested in building a foundation in racial equity and DEI work.

Next course

Check back soon for course schedule updates.

Cost per course

Members $125/Non-members $250

Qualifying credits

NTEN professional certificate

Certified Fund Raising Executive

Certified Association Executive

Course overview

Mindful inquiry

Use racial equity questions to guide conversations and decision-making.

Technology and equity

Learn to identify and address how equity impacts everyday technology decisions.

Equity strategy

Gain strategies to begin (or continue) influencing and stewarding equity work into your current role and organization, regardless of position in organization.

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Great work. This is not an easy topic, but you brought your audience with you and made it safe to talk about race equity in a professional context.

- Former course participant

Meet the presenter

Tristan Penn

Tristan Penn

Pronouns: he/him/his

Equity & Accountability Director


I'm originally from Central Kansas and am a citizen of the Navajo Nation. I hold a BS in Child & Family Development Psychology from the University of Kansas. I've worked in nonprofits for the past 20 years, primarily Boys & Girls Clubs and youth development organizations. I'm passionate about nonprofit community engagement, organizational best practices, youth development, and diversity, equity, and inclusion.I began my professional DEI work with Pacific Educational Group's three-year cohort/professional development initiative "Beyond Diversity: Courageous Conversations" while working for the Boys and Girls Club and Lawrence Public School in 2009. Additionally, I hold a Masters in Organizational Leadership with an emphasis in Strategic Innovation and Change Management Psychology from Colorado State University. Coupled with my lived experience as a Black and Navajo professional, I have served on previous organizations' equity teams/advisory boards/consulting teams and been a facilitator for DEI (rooted in racial equity) in the workplace and nonprofit programming, operations, and leadership development.

Looking for more ways to learn?

Take charge of your professional development with these other learning opportunities.

Nonprofit Tech Readiness

These six-month cohorts give you an opportunity to ramp up your technology leadership and planning skills.Learn about Nonprofit Tech Readiness

Professional certifications

Boost your career by earning a professional certificate that builds your skills and demonstrates your nonprofit tech know-how.Learn about certifications


If finances are tight, apply for a scholarship for an NTEN course or professional certification. Availability limited.Learn about scholarships

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